Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Up and Running goes nothing!  I am just checking off my 2011 resolution list like crazy this week!  Etsy site up and running...check! Start blog.....check!  Really, it feels good to be doing something that I've wanted to do for so long!   It's been easier than I thought it would be....lesson learned...just do it & talk about it later!! 

Enough about that...let's get to the projects at hand.  Today was weird....I really needed to get some things done around here like provision shopping & laundry & cleaning & start a new soup recipe for din din & a zillion other projects that I deem important, but what to do with my girls...Eden who is 3 & Marin who is almost 11 months??  Nap times were questionable, since we were up with Marin from about 10PM to 3AM...every 1/2 hour! Ah ha....get out the crafts!  Painting always gets Eden excited & I get a few moments to play myself. Marin...she slept great...all day! I sure wonder how tonight is going to be!?

I love the look on her face here! She is so pleased with her blue hands. I, on the other hand did not finish anything that I per usual.  I've gotten used to stringing projects out for weeks...months...years.  My girls are first...I'm happy as long as they are. PS. The saddest part of the day...the soup never made it to the table...I started it too late!  Yum for tomorrow! Good day!

1 comment:

  1. good - I'm glad you just went for it! that's fabulous! hey - thanks for visiting my blog and being so sweet...but you need to sign up to be a follower (and you need to have your email set up so that its not "no reply"!)
    I'm your newest follower...
    amy of four corners design
